| ~*You have won*~ |
To win this award you:
1) Needs to have some pictures and some text
2) The site can be Underconstruction but has to have at least something
3) Needs to be rated G
4) Doesnt have to be about Zoom
To win this award you:
1) Need to have a site you update
2) Need to have a site that is complete(no "UNDER CONSTRUCTION")
3) Needs to have more than one page
4) Needs include pictures and text
5) Doesn't have to be about Zoom
6) Rated G
Brandon, ZoomLovers is the winner of this award, you can look at it, but sorry, it doesn't belong to you.
To win this award you:
1) Need to have a site you update
2) Need to have a site that is complete(no "UNDER CONSTRUCTION")
3) Needs to have more than one page
4) Needs include pictures and text
5) Doesn't have to be about Zoom
6) Rated G
To win this award you:
1) Need to have a site you update
2) Need to have a site that is complete(no "UNDER CONSTRUCTION")
3) Needs to have more than one page
4) Needs include pictures and text
5) Has to be about Zoom
To win this award you:
1) Need to have a site you update
2) Need to have a site that is complete(no "UNDER CONSTRUCTION")
3) Needs to have more than one page
4) Needs include pictures and text
5) Doesn't have to be about Zoom
6) Rated G
This award is free for anyone to take! So take it if you want! But remember, the rest you have to earn. If you want, take the time to e-mail me and tell me you have it so I can add your site to the links!.
This award is free for anyone to take! So take it if you want! But remember, the rest you have to earn. If you want, take the time to e-mail me and tell me you have it so I can add your site to the links!.