Zooming Diner Dish:
Serves you a Baked Potato Bar. The orginal idea to make this was from the great chef, Laura P. of St. Louis, MO! Here is what you need to make it: potatoes, shredded cheese, sour cream, plain yogurt, bacon bits, broccoli, salsa, bowls for toppings, spoons, fork, knife. Here is what you do: First you ask an adult if you can make it first. Then you scrub the potatoes clean. You need to poke holes in the potatoes with a fork (so that steam can escape while they bake). Then bake them in the microwave. If you use the oven, preheat it to about 425 degrees Farenheit first, and bake them for about an hour. In the microwave they take about seven minutes on high. Either way, be careful because potatoes can get REALLY hot! Be sure to wear oven mitts! Then let them cool for about fifteen minutes before handling them. You still want the potatoes to be warm so that they taste good. Then split each potato down the middle, put out all the toppings in bowls, and let each person create her/his own stuffed potato! Have fun! Don't forget to eat it after!