Here you can find some good Zoom books to read! A zoom library card is coming soon!
This was written by me:
Caroline's Weird Day
Caroline woke up one morning, trying to get out of bed. But for some reason, she couldn't. "What? Mom, Dad! Nina! Jake!" Caroline yelled for help. When everyone ran into her room Caroline managed to get out of bed. "What is it Caroline?" Asked her mother. "Oh, nothing really...I just had trouble. But I'm fine now." Then Caroline went off to get ready for the day. After taking a shower and changing into her new flare jeans and pink tank top, she went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, Caroline went outside to play with her friends. "Bye Mom, bye Dad, bye Nina, bye Jake!" Caroline said before heading for the door. But something strange happened. Caroline could not, for some reason get out of the door. "That's strange. It's like there is something invisible blocking the doorway. HELP!" Caroline said as she kicked and kicked to try to get that invisible thing, or whatever it was out of the way so that she could play with her friends. "What is it?" Nina asked as she walked down the steps, rubbing her eyes, still tired. "I can't..." Caroline said as she kicked for the tenth time and got her foot through. "Oh...nevermind." Caroline smiled at her sister and went outside to play with her friends. "I wonder what's going on?" Nina said to herself. "First the bed and now this? I need more rest." When Caroline got back from playing, she got inside and went up to her room. It was a long day for her. And she needed some rest. The next day would be Sunday.
By Sarah.
This story is by Brandon:
Getting Ready For Zoom
"Wake up," Caroline says. "Aline, Kaleigh, and Rachel." "Its 3:00 am in the morning Caroline!" "We got to get ready for ZOOM." As soon as Caroline said that Aline, Kaleigh, and Rachel rush out from under there sleeping blankets and say "Were up!". As the four of them giggle Carolines sister Nina was woken by the noise. Nina comes in Carolines room and joins in on the fun. Time flew by and it is 5:00 am. They all get in Carolines mom and dads vehicle. They are heading for WGBH studio. A hour past and they were there. Caroline, Rachel, Kaleigh, and Aline head for the make-up room. The four of them get their show clothes on and head for the ZOOM Zone where Matt, Estuardo, and Garrett are waiting.