Welcome to Zoom Studio! It's underconstruction but enter some cool behind the scenes contests and WIN, WIN, WIN! Not cash, no, sorry. But YES! You will win something you can get online! So answer if you know the answer! Here is the questions for now(you have to get all of them right to WIN,WIN,WIN!):
1)True or False?
The Paralegal writes and reviews the contracts between WGBH and the people who help to produce ZOOM, making sure that everyone's rights and responsibilities are clearly spelled out.
2) True or False?
The Segment Producer has to produce all the grapefruit for the breakfast production meetings. These grapefruit segments form part of a calorie-controlled diet and are full of vitamin C.
3) True or False?
The Research Assistant tests the ZOOMgames, zingers, dos, and cafes at the office and with kids at schools and camps to make sure they work, they're fun, and aren't too easy or too hard.
4) True or False?
The prop assistant builds and moves the scenery.